Golden Oldies

Golden Oldies was a five disk set sold by Utilities Unlimited. This is a set of 500 parameters for removing copy protection check, or by passing protection, etc to make your backups work. This group of parameters is ‘super rare’ and took me over a year to find. These parameters are listed in the Original Parameter Cross Reference as Golden Oldies 500 pak. Each disk loads the parameter list, once you select the parameter, the program tells you which disk to put into your drive.


Super Parameters

Super Parameters (1987)Utilities Unlimited has many parameters. I have the Super Parameters disk #2, #3, #4 and #5. Each had 100 parameters on it. Then there was also the Super Parameters 500 Pack. This has 500 different parameters not found on the 100 packs. SO does that mean that Utilities Unlimited released 1000 parameters?????

Hey I am missing Super Parameter Disk #1, anyone have that???
The Silver Series Vol 1 printout was included in my Vol 4 disk!

I have NEVER seen these packs.
Did they exist, let me know.













The Archiver

This was a disk full of utilities and a 146 page book.
The book list software by publishers and then explains how to make a copy. For most you will need to make edits with a Track/sector editor (on the disk). This information is pretty much just amazing! This can be found on the Bombjack website.


Here is the disk contents

Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler

Ultrabyte has quite a few version. From the ads 2.1, V4, V5 and V6. Early version where out in 1985 including routines to copy Electronic Arts titles.
V4 included a powerful new GCR Nibbler and 105 parameters. V5 now copied Rapid Lock protection and had 205 parameters including VMAX protections. Finally V6 now has 305 parameters.


ultrabyte-30ultrabyte-6-menu ultrabyte-60-menu

Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler Ad-2Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler ver2.1 (1986)Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler v4Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler v5 (1988)Ultrabyte Disk Nibbler v6 (1988)Ultra Copy 2 (1985)