Installing a JiffyDOS

Installing a JiffyDOS
I made two videos when I installed my JiffyDOS into my Commodore 64 and the 1541 disk drive.

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Below are those videos

How to Install a JiffyDOS into a Commodore 64

Installing a JiffyDOS in a Commodore 1541 Disk Drive




Easy Flash 3

Easy Flash 3

easyflash3This is a 100% MUST HAVE cartridge for any Commodore 64 user.

First of all you can have EIGHT custom Kernals. I used this for my JiffyDOS, until I bought the actual chips and install them into my C64, that alone is pretty amazing.

THEN you can add Action Replay and Super Snapshot to this. There are three buttons on the end of this cartridge for MENU, Special and RESET. Special is used for the Snapshots.


P1220163This is the BOOT MENU.
The third section is for cartridge images (CRT) that you can add to the Easy Flash 3. You have seven slots, BUT that does not mean that you can only have even programs. You can combine dozens and dozens of programs into ONE CRT file.
I use NDEFGUI to do this.


1541 Diagnostic Cart

1541 Diagnostic Cart v1.0

1541diagv10This is a group of 1541 disk drive utilities put together into a cartridge format on WORLDOFJANI

The BEST part is that it is FREE, you do NOT have to buy this from Ebay, just download the ZIP file from the above link. THEN upload the .CRT file to your EasyFlash3 cartridge.


I love the Fast FORMAT utility on this and use it often. Also the Speed Check is nice.


TMNT – code sheet


tmnt-2This game was released by ULTRA games. It was a double disk set with data on the front and back.





tmnt-4After the game loads you get this screen to the left. You have to look up the code on a red code sheet, In this case you had to look up the ‘J29’ to progress in the game.

in PDF format for you to print out.





Chernobyl – manual code

chern-titleI was testing a Chernobyl disk the other day and couldn’t get past the “Station Number Code” because I couldn’t find a manual online anyplace. So I bought a new one so I could open and get the manual.

So here is the manual scanned in.
Chernobyl Manual

I also captured the instructions from the game and combined into two sheets that you can easily print out. So what was the code I needed? BNL104 (that’s it, can you believe that?)
The manual says BNL104-PN, but I found that you do not need the -PN for it to work!
Here’s a video I made on this game:



Airborne Ranger medal sheet


Airborne Ranger was such a great game in 1987, I played it for hours and hours. BUT it used two types of copy protection. First the disk used a custom format making it hard to copy.
Then there is a manual lookup for awards and medals. ALSO there are at least two version of this disk but Maverick has a parameter for both.

Below is a sheet with all of the medal and awards you need for the game, all on one sheet you can print out.

air-ranger-manual-2aIRBORNE rANGER