Fast Hack’em by Mike J. Henry – From the Programmer of Di-SECTOR
I would say this program and Maverick where the two best software only copy programs out for the C64. This software had many versions/updates. I have seen versions from 1.1 to 9.5a. Famous for being able to copy many of the hard programs. Included a very good “nibbler” program that used Parameters to tell the nibbler how to copy or remove protection from certain titles.
The Version 4.5A menu looks the SAME as version 3.2A
I have been looking around for fast hackem 4.5 for awhile.could someone tell me where I might be able to get a copy with parameters
Hi. I have several copiers including Fast Hack em in 5.25″ format. But I dont have the disk drive. How can I convert it to an Emmulator format?
I too would like to know where I can get Fast Hackem as well.
I just started in the C64 world and bought some software on 30+ year old disks and don’t want them to die before I can make archives.
Your guidance is appreciated.
Sincerely, . . .
You can find them on Ebay usually, you if you have a ZoomFloppy, you can down a D64 image of them and transfer them from PC to your 1541/1571
There’s a link to some emulator-ready formats on the Wikipedia article…?
Three versions up to 9.5a in the links: