Die Hard 2 – Code Sheet








Die Hard 2 used a code sheet for it’s copy protection.
The game will ask you for the arrival time of a flight and here they are:

ETAs for Die Hard 2 – Die Harder:

1. PC029 = 0509
2. BA123 = 1200
3. DA456 = 1330
4. BC789 = 1420
5. SA012 = 0955
6. TH256 = 0417
7. PC048 = 0258
8. MT369 = 0035
9. MC252 = 1939
10. LQ159 = 1830
11. ME357 = 1945
12. PV029 = 2036
13. AO146 = 1655
14. LZ358 = 2345
15. JW012 = 1409
16. JK356 = 0256
17. PA569 = 0652
18. AA143 = 1708
19. IS692 = 2120
20. JM713 = 1555
21. MW258 = 1618
22. PX016 = 0856
23. OT657 = 2234
24. AM359 = 0327
25. ST845 = 1102
26. VE379 = 0913
27. DA014 = 2345
28. IC391 = 1831
29. LS089 = 0600
30. JE473 = 2126
31. HJ193 = 0908
32. UI384 = 0548


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