Commodore Service Binder for Amiga, C64 and Commodore PC
Commodore Service Binder for Amiga, C64 and Commodore PC
The C64 Mini – Reviewed, Unboxed, Look Inside and Conclusion
The C64 Mini –
Commodore 64 –
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Commodore 64 Code Wheel Repair – Missing rivet
Brass Paper Fastener –
Eyelet Kit 5/32″ size –
Here is a video I did showing the Kracker Jax ELITE Series.
These copied the harder protections like Rapidlok and V-Max on the Commodore 64.
DOWNLOAD: Kracker JAX Elite V1 – Needs Cracked –> KJ Elite V1
This is how I scan in old catalogs and magazines.
It’s pretty fast by destructive, BUT archives the items for others.
Here’s my latest Floppy Repair video.
How to get those old Commodore 64 floppy disk working again.
ALSO, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my Commodore YouTube channel.