Supercard PLUS (1988)

Supercard Plus also called Super-Card + on some ads.
The hardware now fits ALL Commodore and compatible drives. The software is also updated. Supercard Plus makes an EXACT copy of the original disk. Including any copy protection. No “Parameters” are ever required.

This ad is from a 1990 magazine

scp-1a scp-2a


Super Card Plus (1989) Super Card Plus (1990)


Supercard by Jim Drew and sold through Utilities Unlimited.
This would copy disk that couldn’t be copied before, or that need a parameter/crack installed on., This was hardware and software combination.


The hardware was a small card that you installed into your 1541 drive like this early version I bought it as soon as I read about it in 1987 or 88:







Supercard (1988)



SuperCard ad2(1988)

Supercard (1989)

Track Master

Track Master would display the 1541 drive head track and half track positions. This would help you to identify essential tracks, bad tracks and load sequences. You electronically bypass write protection tabs. BUT I can not find any more information about Track Master. How does it work, how does it install? etc..

Track Master (1985)