Clone Newsletter #8

Here is the EIGHTH and my last issue of the Clone Newsletter. These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you.
There is 12 pages in this issue.

Page One: Floppy Disk Construction Set, Notch Taping, Extra Syncs, Raid Over Moscow
Page Two:  The Examiner – Revisited
Page Three: The Examiner – Revisited continued
Page Four: Wordpro 3+/64, Spellright Plus/64, Lunar Outpost, Drol
Page Five: Learning with Leeper, Wizard and Princess, Mission Asteroid, Bank Street Writer, Designer Pencil and Puzzle Panic
Page Six: Spy vs Spy – two methods
Page Seven: Whistler’s Brother
Page Eight: Micro-Cookbook, Di-Sector
Page Nine: Sargon II, Letters to the Editor
Page Ten: Nick’s Swift Copy (I need a copy of this program still – anyone?)
Page Eleven: A Message From the President
Page Twelve: Indus GT ad

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Clone Newsletter #7

Here is the SEVENTH issue of the Clone Newsletter. These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you.
There is 12 pages in this issue.

Page One: Special Solutions, Bugs/Fixes
Page Two:  How to build a DONGLE for PAPERCLIP
Page Three: Copy Oil’s Well, F-15 Strike Eagle, Worlds Greatest Baseball
Page Four: Worlds Greatest Baseball continued
Page Five: Summer Games, Impossible Mission, Raid on Bungling Bay
Page Six: Tennis, Breakdance, Pitstop II
Page Seven: Seven Cities of Gold, DROL, Space Shuttle, Gothmog’s Lair, The Print Shop
Page Eight: Nick’s Swift Copy
Page Nine: Knights of the Desert, Battle for Normandy
Page Ten: Quick Load, Encounter, The Print Shop, Lode Runner
Page Eleven: Zaxxon, Raid Over Moscow, Superclone comments
Page Twelve: Our New Music Products Are Coming

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Clone Newsletter #6

Here is the SIXTH issue of the Clone Newsletter. These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you.
This issue was on RED paper and very hard to read, so I adjusted it so hopefully people can read it now. There is 12 pages in this issue.

Page One: Music from Micro-W, Mister Lister and the Font Factory
Page Two: Bugs/Fixes – Problems with Error #21
Page Three to Six: How to design an auto-start program boot
Page Seven to Nine: The Disk Examiner (program code)
Page Ten: Solutions: Trivia Fever, Beach-Head, Ghostbusters, Neutral Zone, Night Mission Pinball
Page Eleven: Letters to the Editor, Dongles, Musicalc
Page Twelve: Micro-W ads

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Clone Newsletter #5

Here is the Fifth issue of the Clone Newsletter. These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you. This is not much of an issue, but was still labelled as #5. It’s seven pages with two of them blank.

The first few pages talk about the new TOUGH NUTS Utility program.
Used to copy those programs that used track 36, or had extra sectors on a track.
This program can only work on one track at a time.
Option #1 Non-Standard Sectors – you can squeeze in extra sectors in a track and change the density.
Option #2 Singular Sync – Finds the sync mark and then copies the next 256 bytes, also used to create error #29 anywhere on the disk. Plus can create Off-Bytes.

ALSO in this issue is how to Backup Raid Over Moscow, Dallas and Zaxxon
Finally how to copy Slamball, Sentinel and Wizard.

PDF of Issue #5: Clone Newsletter-05b

Tough Nuts Screen shot



Clone Newsletter #4

Here is the fourth issue of the Clone Newsletter. Does anyone have a working copy of the version The Clone Machine with the Tough Nut Utility?
These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you.

Page One: What’s happening to out Clone Machine?
Page Two: New Additions: Tough-Nuts Utitily (TNU) & Four Minute Back up (FMB)
Page Three: Tough Nuts Utility
Page Four: More Dongle Solutions
Page Five: Build a Dongle
Page Six: Neutral Zone dongle crack,
Page Seven: 1541 Workshop – the Job Que
Page Eight: 1541 Workshop continued
Page Nine: Solutions for Raid over Moscow
Page Ten: Letters of the Editor – Dallas Quest, Juno, Zaxxon
Page Eleven: Slamball, Sentinel, Wizard
Page Twelve: Micro-W ads

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Clone Newsletter #3

Here is the third issue of the Clone Newsletter. These have never been archived online before, so I am happy to be able to share them with you.

Page One: Superclone Finally Released, Unguard Unguarded!
Page Two: Unprotect Unguard
Page Three: Fort Apocalypse, Mirage: Database Manager
Page Four: 1541 Workshop
Page Five: Summer Games, Flight Simulator II
Page Six: Commodore LOGO
Page Seven: Letters to the Editor, Lode Runner, Shamus, Necromancer
Page Eight: Sam, Pharaoh’s Curse, Choplifter, Zepplin, Solo Flight,  Flight Sim II
Page Nine: WordPro, Spellright, PractiCalc
Page Ten: Printer Bug, SAM, Choplifter, Cardco Printer Utilities, Ultima & MORE..
Page Eleven: In Search of Most Amazing Thing, Mask of the Sun
Page Twelve: Screen Dumper 64 ad

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